Science is the New Language of the Mystical

I just got back from the Advanced Week-long Retreat with Joe Dispenza in Nashville. It was nothing less than awesome. There were 1900 people at event, representing 62 countries. The energy was next level, it really was an incredible experience.
Themes were:
Love, heart, brain, pineal gland, coherence, endless possibilities, the unknown.
This is energy. Feel it!
Lots of meditation (someone estimated 35 hours worth).
Sitting, walking, connecting to the heart, balancing the energy centers, getting mystical. 1900 people all deep breathing in sync was wild – inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale – sounded like an army (marching for peace).

Lots of science (about 25 hours worth).
Quantum physics, neurobiology, anatomy, biophysics, electro-dynamics, chemistry and all that good stuff with a twist.

Lots of research. Lots of data. Lots of Qi. Lots of healing. oh yeah and lots of dancing!

Check this out:
Source, the documentary is being offered for free viewing this weekend Sept 27-29. Joe Dispenza and a team of researchers, including the ones that were on stage last week, put together this documentary. I’m quite sure you will find it interesting. It’s only 52 minutes.

Source is now 2 years old and there has been even more compelling scientific inquiry into quantum field that was talked about on stage last week. Amazing things happen when you put your mind and a motivated research team to it!

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