Category Archives: Healthful Eating

All About Cleansing

Since spring is traditionally the best time for cleansing. I have put together several blogs and recipes about cleansing. Summer in Vermont may be even better for cleansing! SPRING CLEANING the WHAT, WHEN and HOW LONG of CLEANSING BENEFITS OF CLEANSING

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Smoothies, smoothies, smoothies

Smoothies can be made in a flash and are easy to digest. You can use fresh or frozen fruit. I don’t like my smoothies freezing cold and neither does the stomach since cold hampers its job of digestion. So if I am using frozen fruit it put it in first and then I add hot […]

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Raw vs. Cooked Vegetable

Cleansing does not mean fasting, nor should it for most people. It also doesn’t not mean eating only raw fruits and vegetables, nor should it, especially in a climate like ours in Vermont. Raw vegetables are cold and hard to digest. Some people say that cooking vegetables kills the enzymes and therefore raw is better. […]

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CLEAN: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal Itself

A great resource for cleansing is Dr. Alejandro Junger’s book,  Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal Itself. His book is quite readable and interesting. The three week cleanse

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Take extra good care of yourself while cleansing. Get plenty of sleep at night and take a rest during the day, too. Exercise, gently and regularly. Meditate daily, even if only for 5 minutes. Bodywork. Schedule at least once session a week of massage, acupuncture,

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Pre-cleanse clean up: The week before the cleanse, start eliminating or reducing some foods and beverages to make the transition a little easier. For example, cut down on coffee so you will be ready to stop during the cleanse. Sugar is another one to consider limiting the week before. Prepare: Read Clean: The Revolutionary Program […]

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Modern life leads to toxic build up in the body which interferes with normal physiology. Cleansing detoxifies the body and allows the body to perform at more optimal levels. Cleansing reduces inflammation in the body and shifts the pH level towards alkaline. Cleansing improves the quality of the blood and improves cardiovascular health. Common ailments […]

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Over the winter and over the years, toxins can build up and Qi and blood can get sluggish. Cleansing can help get the Qi and blood coursing through the body. Exercise is also important. Eating lighter and hydrating can refreshen the blood. Even if we eat well and don’t smoke or drink, a gentle cleanse […]

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It’s that time of year again – time to clear out the cobwebs and dust bunnies in our body, mind and home!   Winter is the time for consolidating our energy by eating nurturing foods such roasted meats and root vegetables as well as getting rest and catching up on books and movies. In springtime, […]

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Cabbage Galore

Spring has sprung and yet I still have pounds of winter vegetables from my CSA. You, too? Here’s some cabbage ideas. Enjoy! Indonesian Greens in Peanut Oil with Garlic Vietnamese Chicken and Cabbage Salad (Ga Xe Phai) Red Cabbage with Apples & Raisins Sautéed Cabbage

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