Today is the first day of the Yang Wood Dragon year. Happy Lunar New Year to you all.
The mysterious magical affable dragon symbolizes connection, transformation & freedom.
Dragons have a strong sense of purpose, feel connected to their path and have trust in their way of being and seeing. We can all borrow that energy this year and see what’s possible.

Last year was a Rabbit year and it was about security, introspection and going deep. It’s time to come out of our holes…
This year brings yang light, expansiveness and a wild card to use as you desire.
Trust yourself, let go of baggage, chose a path, relax and go in that direction. Ride the dragon’s momentum. Aim and soar.
This is part one of the Magical Mystery Soar 2024 series. I’ll be sending daily(ish) short articles about the Year of the Dragon over the next week or so. I’m excited to share the year of the Dragon with you.
Next up is the Green Laughing Dragon.
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