3-4 May 2025
ZB 5E is a 2 day hands-on, body-mind therapy training, taught by Michele Doucette DC at Vermont Acupuncture and Wellness – 161 North Street in Burlington Vermont.

12.5 CEUs for MT, PT, OT, DC (VT), LAc
Register before March 3 at $325, April 3 at $350, $375 thereafter, $175 repeat
Zero Balancing and the Spirit of the 5 Elements is a two-day advanced Zero Balancing program that guides the Zero Balancer into what in Chinese medicine can be seen as “the neighborhoods of spirit.” The Zero Balancer learns more about the Five Element anatomy underlying the skeletal anatomy commonly addressed in the core ZB protocol (for example, how the spirit points on the bladder meridian are affected by Zero Balancing the thoracic and lumbar spine). It is widely acknowledged that bodywork can touch a person on all levels; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. In Chinese Medicine the spirit is seen as the unique true self, the self below conditioning, the part of human nature that is inspired by beauty, art, poetry, music, and profound connections to the greater whole. Through the Zero Balancing protocol, and with this expanded knowledge base in 5 Element Theory the Zero Balancer learns to recognize when a client may be having a body-felt experience of a spiritual nature. Such recognition allows the practitioner to stay optimally connected to the client by modifying the rhythm, pace, and depth of touch, and by holding a safe, non-judgmental space for integration and healing. This amplified attention through touch may result in deeper opportunities for clients to access expanded states of balance, health, and wellbeing. New fulcrums are learned and Core ZB fulcrums take on new significance as the true wisdom of the Zero Balancing protocol is further revealed.
You will learn:
- Linguistic, cultural, scientific, philosophical, and metaphorical theories of health and healing and how they may influence a Zero Balancing session
- Five Element theory, and how it can enhance the possibilities in your Zero Balancing sessions
- To work with greater attention on the structure and tension of bone by understanding the internal anatomy and physiology of bone and the superconductive nature of collagenous bone tissue
- New fulcrums for the dorsal hinge, pelvis, feet, ribcage, chest, shoulder, arms, neck and head
- To focus attention while allowing therapeutic placement of fulcrums to arise from the authentic need of the client
- To clarify intention of touch in individual fulcrums and whole sessions
What Participants say about ZB and the Spirit of the 5 Elements:
“I’ve had a quantum leap forward in ‘knowing’ what I am feeling in my hands and body. This work addresses the body in a way that supports, but goes well beyond, the core protocol.” -Mary Bradley, PT
“Michele is brilliant in her synthesis and conveyance of 5 Element theory into the ZB protocol , making the integration of this work practical, expansive and more whole for the recipient. This class goes above and beyond stated objectives. I will be taking this experience into my field and to the table for some time now…to integrate and deepen my self- practice.” -Paula Mara Lyons, LMT
“After taking ZB and the Spirit of the 5 Elements, I am deeply appreciative of how much more profound our ZB fulcrums can be when consciously embraced by spirit and holding that intention. Michele is a beautiful role model of one who touches the spirit as a practitioner, teacher and as she connects and relates with others. It is wonderful to experience one who so beautifully ‘walks her talk’ in such a profound way.” -Veronica Quarry, PT
“I was not expecting to learn so many new things. When I first took a class with Michele, a dozen years ago, I thought her to be an intelligent, professional, and highly knowledgeable teacher of ZB. Now, I see her as a wise woman; all that she was, and now so much more. She just KNEW what we needed as a class.” -Mary D’Amico, PT
“I enjoyed moving my awareness to encompass the Spirit level more. This class offers many rich new skills and knowledge to explore. I have a better understanding of the potency and transformative alchemy of the 5 Elements and their way of cycling through us. I see this class as a lasting, evolving, and essential component of advanced ZB training.” -Mary Murphy, LMT, ZBHA Faculty
Michele Doucette DC
Zero Balancing Faculty
ZBHA Board of Directors, chair
Class will be held at Vermont Acupuncture and Wellness – 161 North Street in Burlington, VT.
Hours are 9-5. Note: this will be a small class with lots of one on one instruction.
To learn more visit zerobalancing.com and drmicheledoucette.com (check out the blog section for essays and videos about ZB).
For more information contact Dr. Doucette at bones@sover.net or 802-258-0459