2025 Year of the Green Snake

29 January 2025 is the first day of the yin wood snake year. It’s quite a contrast from the year of the dragon even though it’s another wood year – last year was yang wood and this year yin wood. Wood signifies spring and fresh new yang energy sprouting up and out. The image was the baby dragon last year with it’s all over the place roller coaster energy and this year it’s the baby green snake – not a threat.

The yin wood energy of this snake is soft, quiet, inwardly focused and forward moving. The snake is tuned in and able to see straight through to reality and stands for truth. Thanks to the snake energy, the knower in you will be accentuated this year.

In a way this year is like a blank slate and we have the opportunity to create. If we clarify our intentions and walk into our power in a thoughtful measured way, there is potential for great transformation, but we need to patiently and diligently make it happen. Take it slow, step by step and don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Next year is the year of the wild stallion and with that energy whatever foundation we laid this year is bound to flourish at least 3 fold next year.

Catch the wave of evolution. Be open to positivity this year and let’s see what happens. Some astrologists call this a truth and reality year and forecast positive change. This year is supposed to be a good health year. I’m down with that!

Beware that the snake is prone to inertia. Keep moving so your qi doesn’t stagnate. The snake can be a loner so you may want to make efforts to connect with people – while preserving enough alone time for creativity, stillness and self-reflection. This is a good year to deepen your intuitive skills and focus on self-healing.

Inner freedom, awakened levels of consciousness and wisdom will be available more than other years. Be present and respect your inner voice. Listen to your heart for guidance this year, let’s make sure joy is one of our goals.

Thanks to Marlyna Los, CT Holman, Gregory Done, & Elias Lonsdale for sharing their snake wisdom with me so I could get a feel for this mystical year.

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