Category Archives: Zero Balancing

Zero Balancing I

December 5-8 2024 ZB I is a 25-hour professional, hands-on, body-mind therapy training, taught by Michele Doucette DC at Vermont Acupuncture and Wellness – 161 North Street in Burlington Vermont. 25 CEUs for MT, PT, OT, DC (VT), LAcRegister before Oct 5 at $595, Nov 5 at $695, $795 thereafter What is more fun than […]

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7-10 December 2023 in Burlington VT Advanced Zero Balancing class taught by Michele Doucette JUST ADDED, by popular demand:  FREELY MOVEABLE JOINTS What is more fun than a freely moveable skeleton? Join this joyful, creative and clinically essential class and set things in serious motion in your ZB practice!  We will explore all the non-foundational joints like […]

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Zero Balancing I

14-17 December 2023 in Burlington Vermont ZB I is a 25-hour professional, hands-on, body-mind therapy training, taught by Michele Doucette DC at Vermont Acupuncture and Wellness – 161 North Street in Burlington Vermont. 25 CEUs for MT, PT, OT, DC (VT), LAcRegister before Oct 14 at $595, Nov 14 at $695, $795 thereafter What is […]

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Zero Balancing, Acupuncture, Physics and Delux Treatments

I have been doing Zero Balancing for about 12 years and certified for nearly 10. Have you heard me talk about it? It is amazing stuff, and I want to share it with you. See below about my Delux treatment. Zero Balancing works on the level of the bones, ligaments, tendons and fascia. All of […]

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