I am excited to host one of my Zero Balancing teachers here at my office for a four-day Zero Balancing I class. If you or someone you know may be interested, please check this out.
Zero Balancing is a unique, hands-on, bodywork system of healing. It combines the Western view of medicine and science from the field of osteopathy with Eastern concepts of energy and healing from the field of acupuncture.
Health care practitioners incorporating ZB into their practices find themselves able to serve their patients more completely, work with less effort, feel greater satisfaction and provide effective therapy for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual imbalances simultaneously. ZB I is approved for 25 hrs. Continuing Education credit (through VT Board of Chiropractic, NCBTMB, NCCAOM, and several other accrediting agencies)
The instructor: Michele Doucette has been practicing chiropractic for 26 years and ZB for 20 years. She is a member of the ZB faculty and teaches nationally. Students describe her teaching style as clear, insightful, respectful, lively, passionate, fun and creative.
for more information or to register, please open this flyer: