We have been misled nutritionally for decades and I want you to know the truth. Here it is. Fats are good for you. Good fats are good for you, that is.grilled beef

Good fats are natural fats such as animal fats (beef, lamb, pork, chicken, duck, goose, butter, ghee), full fat dairy (preferably cultured), fish, eggs, coconut, nuts, seeds, avocado, and cold pressed oils (olive oil, fish oil, nut and seed oils – not heated).

Bad fats are processed fats, hydrogenated fats and cooking vegetable oils. These cause atherosclerosis, heart disease and cancer.[1]

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RESTART Sugar Detox starts January 24th and January 26th

Nutritional Therapist and Transformational Coach, Lisa Lord, is running a 5-week program called RESTART.  3 weeks of the program is a Sugar Detox, with one week on each end to ease in and out of the detox.

There are two sessions beginning next week:

The evening session begins Tuesday, January 24th, from 6:45-8pm, and the morning session begins Thursday, January 26th, from 8:30am-9:45am.

It is being held at my office, 161 North Street, Burlington, Vermont.


Lisa is also setting up an online class as well, so if the above time doesn’t work for you, perhaps the online class will be for you. Contact Lisa at 802-310-8084 or

view flier here:






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Zero Balancing I class September 21-24, 2017 25 CEUs




Introduction to Zero Balancing

Thursday September 21, 2017 6:30-8:30 pm

Zero Balancing (ZB) is a leading edge body-mind therapy. This
introductory class describes and demonstrates how ZB facilitates an
expanded state of consciousness while releasing subconscious tensions
patterns in body, mind, and spirit. A great addition to any
healthcare/bodywork practice and accessible to the general public
interested in energy work and wellness.

Zero Balancing I

September 21-24, 2017

A 25 hour professional bodymind therapy training for health professionals with Michele Doucette DC

Zero Balancing is a leading-edge, hands-on, body-mind therapy. It combines the Western view of medicine and science from the field of osteopathy with Eastern concepts of energy and healing from the field of acupuncture. ZB affects the whole person (body, mind, and spirit) by providing both structural therapy and energy medicine simultaneously. It promotes a deeply meditative state in which sub-optimal tension patterns are easily released. Like adjusting the tension on a guitar string, ZB leaves a person more in tune with their essential being, more resonant with their true self…more relaxed, comfortable, resilient, awake, self-aware, grounded, and expanded.

ZB I is approved for 25 hrs. Continuing Education credit (through VT Board of Chiropractic, NCBTMB, NCCAOM, and several other accrediting agencies.  Accepted for VT/NH PT/OT credits)

The instructor:  Michele Doucette DC, practicing/teaching ZB for over 20 years in Wilmington, VT.  To register contact Dr. Doucette at 802-464-2361   Course Fee:  $795, $695 if pd 1 mo. advance, $595 2 mo. advance.

Hosted by Kelly Kaeding MS LAc at the Vermont Center for Acupuncture & Wellness

other classes:

Michele Doucette DC is offering another ZB I class this spring at her beautiful office and home in southern Vermont:

Zero Balancing  I

June 1-4, 2017  Wilmington VT

Kelly will be hosting ZB II class with Michele Doucette DC here this spring:

Zero Balancing II

May 18-21, 2017 Burlington VT

Prerequisite ZB I.

for more information about Zero Balancing visit:

If you are interested in taking more classes or getting certified in Zero Balancing, check out the Core-Pak


Look for more Zero Balancing classes at Vermont Center for Acupuncture & Wellness in the future.
































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The Questionable Link Between Saturated Fat and Heart Disease

Are butter, cheese and steak really bad for you? The dubious science behind the anti-fat crusadeimage001

This Wall Street Journal Article does a good job explaining why we ought to be eating what our grandparents or great-grandparents were putting on the table, i.e. eat butter, whole milk dairy, all kinds of meat, olive oil and other yumminess – not the vegetable seed oils, tons of grains and low-fat, high-sugar junk. Please read and psst, pass it on.



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Zero Balancing I Oct 20-23, 2016 in Burlington


I am excited to host one of my Zero Balancing teachers here at my office for a four-day Zero Balancing I class. If you or someone you know may be interested, please check this out.

Zero Balancing is a unique, hands-on, bodywork system of healing. It combines the Western view of medicine and science from the field of osteopathy with Eastern concepts of energy and healing from the field of acupuncture.

Health care practitioners incorporating ZB into their practices find themselves able to serve their patients more completely, work with less effort, feel greater satisfaction and provide effective therapy for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual imbalances simultaneously.  ZB I is approved for 25 hrs. Continuing Education credit (through VT Board of Chiropractic, NCBTMB, NCCAOM, and several other accrediting agencies)

The instructor:  Michele Doucette has been practicing chiropractic for 26 years and ZB for 20 years. She is a member of the ZB faculty and teaches nationally.  Students describe her teaching style as clear, insightful, respectful, lively, passionate, fun and creative.

for more information or to register, please open this flyer:

ZB 1 Oct 20-23 flyer


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RESTART Sugar Detox March 2017


Nutritional Lisa Lord is running a 5-week program called RESTART. 3 weeks of the program is a Sugar Detox, with one week on each end to ease in and out of the detox.

It will be held Tuesdays 6:45-8:00 and  Thursdays from 8:30-9:45 – start date in March TBA. The cost is $150. It is being held at my office, 161 North Street, Burlington, VT.

Lisa is also setting up an online class as well, so if the above time doesn’t work for you, perhaps the online class will be for you.

Contact Lisa at 802-310-8084 or

view flier here:







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2016 is the Year of the Monkey

Get ready for a full-filled year, as the year of the monkey is sure to bring some excitement.Monkey

Monkeys are clever, witty, creative and competitive and achieve what they set out to accomplish.

This is the year of the FIRE Monkey, which brings a spark of motivation for us all. With our heads screwed on correctly, we are bound for a year of endless possibility.

Take a risk with guts and devotion and your wildest dreams just may come true.

During the year of the monkey, beware of trickery and don’t act too impetuously. Be true to your heart, be the best you can be, and pay attention along your way.

Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy Chinese New Year!

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Swiss Pears

A super simple and refreshing appetizer.IMG_8447

Sliced ripe pear with slices of Emmentaler or Jarlsberg or other Swiss cheese.

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Salmon Burgers

Our new family favorite – decidedly kid-friendly.


Two 6 ounce wild salmon fillets (or 1- 14 ¾ ounce can of wild salmon or 2 small cans)

1 T mustard (Dijon or stone brown)

1 T mayonnaise

1 T lemon juice

½ t grated lemon zest

2 scallions, chopped

½ t sea salt

1 egg

½ cup bread crumbs, panko, or ground spelt crackers (cooked quinoa or ground dry oats may also work here)

Sprouts, arugula or baby lettuce

Tartar sauce:

3 T mayonnaise

1 T relish Read More »

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Celebrate the Year of the Ram 2015 with Us


February 19 marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year.

Join us in celebration of the Year of the Ram! Meet the wonderful practitioners at the Vermont Center for Acupuncture and Wellness and envision a healthier 2015.

Vermont Center for Acupuncture & Wellness at 161 North Street in Burlington

4:00-7:00 Friday, February 20, 2015

Friends and Family Welcome

Dumplings and light refreshment offered

View the event and join the party on Vermont Center for Acupuncture & Wellness facebook page.

The Year of the Wood Ram will bring plenty of opportunities. Success will come to those who are diligent and passionate, but to find true happiness you must follow your heart.

Years of the Ram:

1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039

The witty Ram is known for his or her sincerity, compassion and a positive attitude.

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